Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Colors, colors, and more colors...

It’s a personal choice. And It’s often difficult for quilters to chose color. New quilters, as well as, experienced quilters struggle with the concept of color when picking for a quilt. In my experience, people tend to like a certain color and tone. They have a difficult time venturing away from what they are comfortable with. And rightfully so, I mean a quilt is an investment. Fabric isn’t cheap and you certainly don’t want to put all that time and money into something that you aren’t going to like...

I want to share something with you. Or rather someone. Her name is Sunny. I met her thru Facebook and I LOVE everything she does. Her color choices are vibrant and happy. While she and I like the same quilts and designers, she decorates and quilts with a different color palette than I do. She lives by the sea and her color palette reflects it. I know that many of you will LOVE it, so I wanted to share her blog and her work with you.
In this post, she shares with you how she uses paint chips to design her quilts. It allows her to pick colors that are appealing to her and that work well together. I think you may find it helpful. Enjoy!

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Decorating with Red & White

What’s your favorite color? Do you decorate with it? Do you have a theme or just decorate with the things you love and not care if it all goes together? 

I’m curious...

I have a color combo. 
Red and white. 
It’s my go to. It works for every season.
Here’s a few of my favorite Pinterest rooms. 

Sunday, September 8, 2019

A Christmas Quilt

An idea popped into my head last Wednesday. I’m grateful for that.

There are many days, even months where nothing creative comes out of me. It’s frustrating. Quilt designing isn’t something that just happens. Not for me, anyways. I have to be in the right frame of mind. If not...nothin’ 

The idea for the Christmas wreath hit me and I’ve been working on it. Trying to get it done. Here’s what I’ve got so far. Trying to come up with a name...I’ll take any ideas you’ve got.
