Sunday, July 14, 2019

Burger πŸ” Bar

Today we celebrated Mike’s Sixteenth birthday with a burger bar. Add family, a soda πŸ₯€ bar andSONIC ice and you’ve got yourself a shin dig!!!
Happy birthday Michael!
So happy to be your stepmom ❤️
(the buntingπŸ˜€)
Have a fabulous week!

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Felt Bunting

Joanne’s had the felt squares on sale 8 for $2. 
With an extra 25% off. Quite the deal!

I bought three different colors and cut them like 
this. Tap the photo to see the measurements. 6 squares yields 18 triangles.
After cutting all the pieces, I sewed them using 
jute and a zig zag stitch...
Perfect and in expensive!!!
Ready for a boys 16th Birthday Party!
Take care,

When Evyn was 3, she thought she’d be sweet 
and write a love note on my featherweight. My 
first reaction was not as sweet. I was irritated. 
I learned a lesson that day.
Sometimes those moments become 
some of our most cherished.
I’ve had several women say to me that I could 
get the machine buffed and it would come out. 
But I don’t want it to come out now. Now it’s her “handprint” that I see almost daily and will for as long as I’m alive. She’s 9 now. One day (the Lordwilling) she will have children of her own and
they can see their momma’s work of art right
here on my machine.❤️

Last night, I was quilting OUR own quilt (which
Is unheard of) and Phillip came down to watch 
and talk. The thought occurred to me that this
could be one of those moments. He was 
apprehensive because he didn’t want to “mess it up”. That’s exactly what I wanted him to do. I 
wanted him to put his own “handprint” on it. I 
want to be able to lie under it 30 years from now and see the row that he did.

These are the things I treasure...

Friday, July 12, 2019

Attitude is EVERYTHING

Let's be honest. I'm not perfect. You aren't perfect. No one is perfect (except Christ). But, with that being said, we strive for perfection. Hopefully, we wake up every morning with the intent to be better than yesterday. That's me. Hoping to be better than yesterday. Learning from the past with the intent to make a better future. That's what brings me to this post...

We've all heard it. The saying, "Have an attitude of gratitude" has been heard by most of of us a hundred times. It's recommended that we have gratitude journals. They even have an app for that! 

I'll be honest. For years I've "thought" about it. 
I've even tried keeping one. 
But I've never been able to stick to it. 

Fast forward to today. 

I'm not going to sugarcoat anything. The last few years have been a nightmare. While the divorce was final a couple years ago, the custody battle still wages. It has been draining both spiritually and physically. I've sought help from many. Therapists, Church, Friends, Natural Healers, you name it. I kept being led back to the same idea of an Attitude of Gratitude. How in the world do you have an attitude of gratitude when you are being trampled and provoked on a weekly basis? I'll tell you how!


For the past several months, on a somewhat regular basis, I have jotted down three things I am grateful for in this journal. I LOVE it! It's not intended to be a journal, but I love it for that. I'm a pen to paper person. I can't do the apps. But this is so pretty, I love leaving it on my nightstand. Because it's there, I remember to use it. IE, the "regular basis" πŸ˜‰


It's been super helpful in getting me 
in the right state of mind lately. 
Trust me, Gratitude journals WORK!
Try it, it may help you get thru 
whatever you are going thru. 

Have a FanTASTic Day!!!

Monday, July 8, 2019

Memories Treasured
For YEARS this dresser sat in my most favorite quilt shop. It held everything from thimbles to freezer paper. It was there from the beginning when Kelly & Mary started the shop. Cheri painted it. We all struggled to open the bottom drawer. the fingerprints of some of my MOST FAVORITE people are ALL over it...

When Fat Quarters was sold in April, it was put out side for someone to take. Thankfully, Susan did. Not knowing why, she just did. Knowing it couldn’t be trash....

Thoughtfully, like only Susan can be, she offered it to me. I knew I had to have it. Not knowing where I’d put it, I knew eventually it would serve a wonderful purpose. One day, it will go in my own quilt shop. It will hold all the same items and bring with it treasured memories. I’m grateful.

Til then, it’s in my sewing room, aka the office, aka the garage. It will hold all my pattern business stuff...❤️

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Hi and Welcome!!!

It has been a LONG time since I have blogged! 
Let me fill you in some of the gaps from the last four years...
I started designing quilts, moved to (what was then) Fat Quarters Quilt Shop to Grand Country Quilters in San Marcos. I'm teaching the same classes with a few extra here and there and the biggest change in the last 4 years is the name. I started Farmhouse Cottons when I learned I would soon be divorced and raising kiddos on my own. Cheri (miss her) encouraged me to start designing and came up with the name Farmhouse Cottons. Four years later, re-married and trying to build a business to help support our LARGE family, I am back blogging and sharing my journey with you all.
It's good to be back.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you come back often!