Monday, July 8, 2019

Memories Treasured
For YEARS this dresser sat in my most favorite quilt shop. It held everything from thimbles to freezer paper. It was there from the beginning when Kelly & Mary started the shop. Cheri painted it. We all struggled to open the bottom drawer. the fingerprints of some of my MOST FAVORITE people are ALL over it...

When Fat Quarters was sold in April, it was put out side for someone to take. Thankfully, Susan did. Not knowing why, she just did. Knowing it couldn’t be trash....

Thoughtfully, like only Susan can be, she offered it to me. I knew I had to have it. Not knowing where I’d put it, I knew eventually it would serve a wonderful purpose. One day, it will go in my own quilt shop. It will hold all the same items and bring with it treasured memories. I’m grateful.

Til then, it’s in my sewing room, aka the office, aka the garage. It will hold all my pattern business stuff...❤️

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