Friday, July 12, 2019

Attitude is EVERYTHING

Let's be honest. I'm not perfect. You aren't perfect. No one is perfect (except Christ). But, with that being said, we strive for perfection. Hopefully, we wake up every morning with the intent to be better than yesterday. That's me. Hoping to be better than yesterday. Learning from the past with the intent to make a better future. That's what brings me to this post...

We've all heard it. The saying, "Have an attitude of gratitude" has been heard by most of of us a hundred times. It's recommended that we have gratitude journals. They even have an app for that! 

I'll be honest. For years I've "thought" about it. 
I've even tried keeping one. 
But I've never been able to stick to it. 

Fast forward to today. 

I'm not going to sugarcoat anything. The last few years have been a nightmare. While the divorce was final a couple years ago, the custody battle still wages. It has been draining both spiritually and physically. I've sought help from many. Therapists, Church, Friends, Natural Healers, you name it. I kept being led back to the same idea of an Attitude of Gratitude. How in the world do you have an attitude of gratitude when you are being trampled and provoked on a weekly basis? I'll tell you how!


For the past several months, on a somewhat regular basis, I have jotted down three things I am grateful for in this journal. I LOVE it! It's not intended to be a journal, but I love it for that. I'm a pen to paper person. I can't do the apps. But this is so pretty, I love leaving it on my nightstand. Because it's there, I remember to use it. IE, the "regular basis" 😉


It's been super helpful in getting me 
in the right state of mind lately. 
Trust me, Gratitude journals WORK!
Try it, it may help you get thru 
whatever you are going thru. 

Have a FanTASTic Day!!!

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